Affiliations and Body Memberships
The British Association for Fair Trade Shops and Suppliers (BAFTS) is an association of members which, although independent, unite in a core purpose to bring about fundamental changes in the status of developing world producers through Fair Trade retailing and campaigning. The Ipswich Fair Trade Shop is proud to be a member of BAFTS
Fairtrade Town:
Ipswich achieved Fair Trade Town status in 2008 and this was renewed in 2023. The purpose of a Fairtrade Town is to contribute to the Fairtrade Foundation's aim of tackling poverty across the globe by enabling disadvantaged producers from poor countries to receive a better deal through encouraging support for the Fairtrade Mark.
The Suffolk Association of Fairtrade Towns was set up in 2016. Its aims are to promote Fairtrade in Suffolk, to share information on good practice and to co-